Patron Saints
A Patron Saint is a Corporate Partner, company or individual, who choose St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation as their official charity partner. Patron Saints will then work closely with the CEO to create a bespoke partnership agreement which will be sustainable and rewarding for the local community.
SMiSA (St Mirren Independent Supporters Association)
Who are SMiSA?
SMiSA is a football trust which was founded by St Mirren supporters back in 2002, with the aim of making St Mirren Football Club a supporter’s owned club. Since their formation, they have succeeded in this and have become Patron Saints of St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation.
Why did SMiSA choose to support us?
SMISA has been proud to support the St Mirren Charitable Foundation for many years now. We previously helped Gayle and her team on an ad-hoc basis through our former £2 Spend Ballot, allowing them to run a number of projects including Festive Friends and Football Fans in Training.
Our financial model has altered since we became owners of the club in July 2021. Instead of banking our members’ financial contributions to buy shares, we now use those funds to support other causes. Ten percent of our net revenue now goes directly to the Foundation each year to help with all the excellent work they do in the local community and beyond. We are, therefore, honoured to be the Foundation’s first Patron Saint. As a fan-owned club, our responsibilities and sense of duty stretch far beyond what happens on the pitch on a Saturday and the Foundation is the best vehicle to deliver that.To find out more about SMiSA and to become a member, please visit:
Electrical Network
Who is Electrical Network?
Electrical Network provides services and products in heating, lighting, CCTV, data, security and more. They have many branches across the West of Scotland and have recently become one of our Patron Saints investors.
Why did Electrical Network choose to support us?
Electrical Network are a local employer, with offices in Paisley. Due to a close geographical location, Electrical Network were inspired to support us. Ever since, their workforce have taken part in our programmes and we plan to implement bespoke packages catered to their employee wellbeing. Electrical Network have worked closely with our CEO, Gayle Brannigan, since becoming a Patron Saint and we now have a great plan for the future of our partnership.
To find out more about Electrical Network:
Consillium Contracting Services
Who are Consillium Contracting Services?
Consillium Contracting Services provides services which cover many different trades and are staffed by highly skilled, trained engineers. They are very passionate about the concept of no job being too big and no job being too small, they will take on any challenge. In recent years, they have become one of our Patron Saint funding partners and with Gayle Brannigan (CEO), a positive, bespoke partnership has been formed.
Why did Consillium Contracting Services choose to support us?
“I am deeply honoured and humbled to be a Patron Saint for St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, a Foundation I have been very close to over a number of years. I have always been impressed by the commitment and dedication they put into the Foundation and you can see that with the brilliant and fantastic initiatives, that help support the local area and communities here in Paisley and Renfrewshire and of course throughout the West of Scotland. So much so the initiatives they put in place and drive are very close to my own heart and upbringing in Renfrewshire, where the most vulnerable in society are supported from them. You will always receive my undivided support because of this and therefore, I ask anyone please can you help support St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation through the same initiative. It is a worthwhile initiative and it will help all in society.”
To watch Paul talk about being a Patron Saint for St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation:
To find out more about Consillium Contracting Services:
Funding Partners

SPFL Trust
Who are SPFL Trust?
The Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) Trust is a charity that financially supports St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation and other club trusts in the delivery of key initiatives. These initiatives are extremely impactful within each community. The key programmes the SPFL Trust supports are:
Festive Friends
Cashback Off The Bench
Football Fans In Training (FFIT)
Changing Room
As well as providing funding for in-person initiatives and events, SPFL Trust also provided support during the Covid-19 pandemic, issuing PPE for staff at the foundation, and aided the food delivery systems that were put in place.
Why did SPFL Trust choose to support us?
The SPFL Trust currently supports and funds 42 professional clubs to run initiatives which are essential within communities.
To find out more visit:

Amazon Smile
What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon Smile is a charity donation service that enables consumers to support a charity of their choice. With each sale, Amazon donates 0.5% of the profit towards this chosen charity, at no extra cost to the customer.
So far Amazon Smile has donated £14.2 million to charities. Consumers can contribute simply by shopping on the Amazon Smile website, rather than Amazon itself, receiving the same great products and prices while helping those in need.
Why do we partner with Amazon Smile?
Amazon Smile provides a simple yet effective way to support the foundation. Partnering with them provides an accessible donation feature. Customers can access the same products as on the traditional Amazon website with the bonus of being able to donate to a good cause.
To use Amazon Smile visit:

National Lottery Community Fund
What is the National Lottery Community Fund?
The National Lottery Community Fund is a distributor of National Lottery Funding, last year they awarded over £752 million to community projects. Each project was individually selected, including St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation. This generous funding currently supports our Time to Tackle and Walking Football initiatives, both of which hugely benefit the community.
Why did The National Lottery Community Fund choose to support us?
The National Lottery Community Fund aims to award 12,000 grants each year, totalling £600 million, as outlined in their corporate plan. The grants are donated to projects that align to the values of The National Lottery Community Fund. This includes bringing people together and building strong relationships in and across communities, hence, Time to Tackle and Walking Football were selected.
The National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, Kate Still, said: “National Lottery funding can make amazing things happen in local communities across the country. This project is a great example of community activity in action, showing just what can be achieved when people come together for a common cause or to help others. National Lottery players can be proud to know that the money they raise is helping to support this vital work and to help communities thrive.”
To find out more about the National Lottery Community Fund:

Cruden Building & Homes
Who are Cruden Building & Homes?
Cruden Building and Homes was our main funding partner on the development of Paisley Men’s Shed, creating a base for participants to meet and connect each week. Cruden Building and Homes aims to build houses that change people’s lives and to build homes for the people you love, this is the ethos they brought to kindly developing our Paisley Men’s Shed home.
Why did Cruden Building & Homes choose to support us?
Our Men’s Shed participants were in desperate need of a place to call home. Cruden Buildings & Homes were approached to help, and they generously offered to support the project and complete the work free of charge. Their work was invaluable and without them, we would not have gained access to such an amazing facility.
To find out more about Cruden:

Linstone Housing
Who are Linstone Housing?
Like St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, Linstone Housing aim to create positive change in their communities and this has led to a successful partnership. Linstone Housing provide sustainable, comfortable living for their tenants and since working with St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, they have been able to implement this positive change within the community. This partnership led to the provision of funding for our Summer Camp in 2020 and our Buddy Boxes which were provided during the pandemic.
Why did Linstone Housing choose to support us?
“Linstone were delighted to work in partnership with St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation in their delivery of a unique summer camp in 2020. Through the Scottish Government’s Supporting Communities Fund (that Linstone accessed on behalf of partner organisations in Renfrewshire) we were able to fully fund this innovative programme, which reached out to so many young people with much needed online activity over the school holidays. The funding also provided ’Buddy Boxes’ for each child, so they had all the kit they needed to fully participate. Working with St Mirren FC Foundation was a really positive experience as a funding organisation, as they were efficient and professional and delivered what they said they would, on time and within the agreed budget” (Adele Fraser, Chief Executive of Linstone Housing Association).
To find out more about Linstone Housing:

Corra Foundation
What is the Corra Foundation?
The Corra Foundation aims to create positive change, encourage growth, and improve the overall quality of lives. To achieve this, they have awarded almost £193m across a staggering 24,000 grants. They have also outlined a 10-year strategy to support local causes and work toward tackling the biggest issues within communities.
Why did the Corra Foundation choose to support us?
At St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, we aim to tackle several of the biggest issues within the community, from employment to mental well-being. This aligns with the work of Corra Foundation, it is essential to them that the projects they support tackle these issues.
To find out more about the Corra Foundation:

Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund
What is the Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund?
The Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund was set up to support third sector organisations during the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that all essential services could continue. This funding was crucial for St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation to provide activities for kids, food deliveries, and the online delivery of initiatives, throughout the pandemic.
Why did the Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund choose to support us?
During the pandemic, St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation continued to support Renfrewshire and adapted to provide exactly what the community needed. This ranged from online running support and initiatives to food deliveries for vulnerable members of the community. As a third sector organisation providing this kind of support to the community, the Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund was extremely beneficial.
To find out more about the Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund:

Foundation Scotland
Who are Foundation Scotland?
Foundation Scotland aims to create a lasting impact on Scottish communities and were one of our first funding partners when we launched. They have continued to support us throughout the years, providing funding for Women and Girls Mental Strength through Sport and our Covid Response. Alongside being one of our longest-standing funding partners, Foundation Scotland has distributed more than £130 million to charities and community groups across Scotland.
Why did Foundation Scotland choose to support us?
The Foundation Scotland wants to create a lasting impact on Scottish Communities, and this is exactly what we aim to do at St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation. Our aim is to “rebuild more reliant, resourceful communities” and this clearly aligns with what Foundation Scotland wants to support and achieve with the funding they provide.
To find out more on Foundation Scotland:

The Hunter Foundation
What is the Hunter Foundation?
The Hunter Foundation aims to support and invest in social projects, particularly those targeting issues in poverty and education. This has led to the Hunter Foundation investing more than £55 million in community projects so far.
Why did the Hunter Foundation choose to support us?
At St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, we have many community projects, specifically Cashback Off The Bench and 4-4-2 which focus on education. This made us ideal for the Hunter Foundation to invest in and we believe it will continue to be a positive partnership.
To find out more about the Hunter Foundation:

Persimmon Homes
Who are Persimmon Homes?
Persimmon Homes is a development company and in 2015, they created a Community Champions programme in order to give back to communities. So far, they have given out more than £3 million across Britain and usually provide up to 60 donations a month. In terms of St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, they have supported our Football Memories initiative, which is vital support for those with Alzheimer’s.
Why did Persimmon Homes choose to support us?
Persimmon Homes want to support good causes and at St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation we have many initiatives which provide for the community. This made us eligible to receive funding from Persimmon Homes.
To find out more about Persimmon Homes:

The Weir Charitable Trust
What is The Weir Charitable Trust?
The Weir Charitable Trust supports projects which are within Scottish community groups which qualify through one of the following categories:
Recreational facilities
Animal Welfare
As a charity, we fit into both the Sport category, through encouraging our community to become more active, and the Recreational Facilities category, through the locations we provide for our initiatives to take place.
Why did The Weir Charitable Trust choose to support us?
At our heart we are a sport-based charity, and this made us the perfect candidate for funding from the Weir Charitable Trust. We were lucky enough to be granted this funding and have been able to use this to positively impact the delivery of our initiatives.
To find out more about The Weir Charitable Trust:

Scottish Football Partnership Trust
What is the Scottish Football Partnership Trust?
The Scottish Football Partnership Trust was set up as a form of recognition by the Scottish Football Partnership, for the level of investment that was provided to either non-professional football or charitable projects. Like St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, the Scottish Football Partnership Trust aims to encourage people of all ages to get back into football, regardless of their skill or ability. The Scottish Football Partnership Trust provides funding to charitable organisations with similar aims.
Why did The Scottish Football Partnership Trust choose to support us?
To find out more about Scottish Football Partnership:

The Robertson Trust
Who are the Robertson Trust?
At its heart, The Robertson Trust support 3rd sector organisations working towards reducing poverty within their communities. They value giving people the tools to flourish and creating a fair environment throughout Scotland where people are thriving. Funding applications are considered for all organisations which work towards alleviating poverty within communities across Scotland.
Why did The Robertson Trust choose to support us?
In order to receive funding from the Robertson Trust, you must be a community group or registered charity with an income of less that £2 million and working towards reducing poverty in the community. As a small charity working towards “rebuilding a more resilient, resourceful community”, we meet the criteria of the Robertson Trust and after careful consideration during the application process, they decided to become one of our Funding Partners.
To find out more about The Robertson Trust:

SFA (Scottish Football Association)
What is the Scottish FA?
The Scottish FA aims to grow and develop Football clubs to encourage the expansion of football in Scotland. Currently, we partner with the Scottish FA on many of our programmes including:
Disney Playmakers
Cashback off the Bench
The Scottish FA provides vital resources to aid in the delivery of these programmes and so far, we have had many successful cohorts of the Cashback Off The Bench programme.
Why did SFA choose to support us?
To find out more about SFA:

The Arnold Clark Community Fund
What is The Arnold Clark Community Fund?
The Arnold Clark Community Fund was launched in March 2020, to provide financial aid to projects and communities affected by the pandemic. This has been very successful, receiving more than 13,000 applications since its launch. The Arnold Clark Community Fund is open to all UK based projects who need immediate relief to continue with the essential work they do within the community.
Why did The Arnold Clark Community Fund choose to invest in us?
The Arnold Clark Community Fund receives many applications from many kinds of organisations, as a charity we were lucky enough to make it through the application process. This allowed The Arnold Clark Community Fund to become one of our funding partners and for us to improve the delivery of our programmes.
To find out more about The Arnold Clark Community Fund:

The Asda Foundation
What is the Asda Foundation?
The Asda Foundation is a Foundation which was created to help communities across the UK, by funding organisations which are making a real difference in their community. This funding is provided to support the organisation in any areas they deem necessary but, it can also be granted to support emergencies within communities which arise day-to-day. The Asda Foundation was vital in the provision of funding during the recovery from Covid-19 and continues to provide support within communities for the impact of the pandemic.
Why did the Asda Foundation choose to support us?
The Asda Foundation usually supports smaller organisations who make a real impact in the community they operate in. This made St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation the perfect candidate to apply for funding and after a successful funding application, the Asda Foundation are now one of our funding partners.
To find out more about the Asda Foundation:

Your Website PA
Who are Your Website PA?
Your Website PA is a web marketing and website design agency that was set up in order to allow businesses to get an external resource to assist with the driving of their websites but at the same time work closely enough, that they feel they have their own website personal assistant, focusing and delivering on the areas of their website and it’s marketing to help it be successful.
Why did the Your Website PA choose to support us?
We approached Your Website PA to develop a new website for us, but it soon became apparent that the size and standard of the site we wished for was outwith the budget allocated to it. Having seen the work that the charity was carrying out, they decided to donate their time in order that the website could be used to help progress the work of the charity.
To find out more about the Your Website PA:

Barclays Community Football Fund
What is the Barclays Community Football Fund?
Barclays and Sported joined together to create the Barclays Community Football Fund and they done this in an effort to make football more accessible across different communities.
Why did Barclays Community Football Fund choose to support us?
Football is at the heart of both Barclays Community Football Fund and St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation, and this allows for a strong partnership to be formed. St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation uses football to create opportunities for participants of all ages and with the support and training that Barclays Community Football Fund can provide this can be expanded to reach more of the local community. Off the Bench is one of St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation’s initiatives which uses football to create opportunities for those involved and the impact created can be maximised with the further support received from Barclays Community Football Fund.
To find out more about Barclays Community Football Fund: